Last weekend we went to Lagoon. My dad's work has a day for their employees to go so, we went down. It was a lot of fun. It was nice to have my family there, because they watched Annika and Brian and I just had fun and rode as many rides as we could. Brian is a little bit more adventurous when it comes to rides than I am. I went along on most of them, and we had a great time.

Annika got to do a fish pond with Grandpa Jarrett. She got a little whistle. Thank goodness she doesn't know how to use it yet. (from the look on her face, I don't think she knows how to use the fishing pole yet either!)

Jen, Alli, Austin, Brian, My aunt Jenise, my mom, and my cousin Kaylee rode the scrambler. Doesn't it look like they are having fun?
Annika also got to ride the Carousal. I think she liked it. The whole time it was going she didn't really do a whole lot, but she smiled when it was over.

We all went on the Animal Train. Annika loves animals so she liked looking at all of them. I think that we wore her out, but we had a bunch of fun.

Annika loves standing up by the dishwasher when I am loading and unloading it, but Sunday morning Brian was unloading it, and I guess she decided she wanted to crawl in it.

This is just a cute picture of Annika chillin, in her rocking chair, reading her books.