(Look how smart she is, she already knows how to tell people how old she is.. 4 months old!)
Adalyn just had her 4 month check-up, and I thought I should give a little update on her. Her stats she was 4 months and 15 days old:
Weight: 15 lbs 6 oz. 75%
Length: 25.25 in 73%
Head: 16 in 29%
I don't know why but my girls heads have always been really small. Adalyn's weight at 2 months was in the 90% so I guess she is slowing down a little bit.
She got shots again, and she has handled them so great! She fell asleep on the way home, and woke up when we got home, and was smiley and happy! She has wanted to be held a little bit more, but I think she has done great!
We tried some rice cereal last night, and it wasn't very eventful. She didn't really like it, but she didn't really pull any really funny faces either. So we will keep trying, maybe she will enjoy it later.
She is such a good baby. She definitely is a mamas girl. She likes to be held by me, and if she is being held by someone else and she sees me most of the time she will get sad. She loves her dad and big sister and always gives them big smiles. I think she is kind of shy, if someone talks to her most of the time she smiles and then buries her head in my shoulder! She sleeps all through the night. She even sleeps through annika waking up and crying. Is it odd that my 2 year old wakes me up more than my 4 month old? She has rolled from her belly to her back but not from her back to her belly. She will roll to her side to get toys, but she just hasn't gone the distance. I think she could if she wanted to. She loves grabbing onto things, and immediately pulls them towards her mouth. And she started sucking on her thumb. It is super cute, but It makes me nervous because you can't take away a thumb. And I don't want it to mess up her teeth. So... I have been giving her a binky and she has actually been taking it.. yay! it is nice to have sometimes! She is a great baby and we love her so much!