Tuesday, October 14, 2008

10 Months Old

Annika is 10 months old today. It's crazy. She is such a funny girl who is so busy all of the time. She loves getting into everything that she can. She loves unrolling the toilet paper, and pulling all of the books off her book shelf. She also loves pulling off all of the DVD's. She is walking all over the place. She rarely crawls now. She loves reading her books, especially her Pet's book that has a picture of a dog on the front.

She gives kisses, and she signs fish. (It is more like the sign for milk, but she does it when she sees fish. Oh well I guess it's something huh!) This morning I got a great Video of Annika she is making her bear noise. If you ask her what noise a bear makes she will growl. It is pretty cute. She says ma (not very often) and dad, and she also will say my parents dog's name (dusty). She says dusty when she is reading her pet's book that has a picture of a dog like my parents on the front. She loves animals, and gets excited whenever she sees them. She is such a fun little girl. I just can't believe that she is 10 months old!


Neisha said...

She is getting so big! I love that she is walking around. She is so cute!!

Jen Jarrett said...

Oh I love her so much!! I can't believe how much she is growing. I was talking to a lady in mom and dad's ward the other day and they said their granddaughter is a year and still just standing holding on to furniture and I thought of Annika walking at 9 months thinking either she's really adventurous or just really good... maybe both. Either way she is so much fun and so cute! I can't wait to see her tomorrow when you come over!


She is so so cute! I miss you guys so much. I want to see her walking and talking. I was just thinking today that Annika is now 10 months old, execpt I was thinking it was today for some reason. I guess that's close enough for a child who's not mine right?