Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My Graduate and My One year old

This weekend was a busy one, but it was so much fun! First on Saturday Brian graduated from Utah State! Wahoo! Way to go Brian!

Of course we couldn't have a beautiful December day, it decided to drop some snow, on our drive up to Utah State we passed a truck sliding sideways down 4th north. It was scary but we made it up there. Graduation went on and Brian and all the other graduates got to walk from the field house to the spectrum through the snow! what a memorable day! I am so proud of Brian, for all of his hard work! Way to Go Bri!

Then on Sunday Annika turned one! It is so crazy that it has already been a year. Brian's family actually came up Friday night for graduation so we did a party with them on Friday night,
then we did a party with my family on Sunday night. Annika got spoiled by her grandma and grandpa's and aunts and uncles. She has lots of new toys! Thanks everyone! She ate her cake, but she didn't make a huge mess.

I think she gets dirtier just eating her dinner, I guess my frosting wasn't messy enough. It was a lot of fun Celebrating. I just can't believe that Annika is one! I think about it, and how nice it would be to have a little baby who doesn't move again. But she is so much fun and gets funner and smarter everyday.

On Monday night we went to the Mall and Annika got to sit on Santa Clause's Lap. I really thought that she was going to cry or at least not want to sit on his lap, but she just sat and looked at him. I couldn't understand what she asked him for, I hope he understood it, so that she will get it for Christmas!


Jen Jarrett said...

LOL. I hope he understood her too! He must have magic ears or something! ;^)

WAY TO GO BRIAN and HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANNIKA. And Merry Christmas to all! ;^)

Jamie Younker said...

Dang cute pictures! Congras to Brian and Happy Birthday Annika! Doesn't that first year just FLY by! It's unbelievable. I'm super impressed with your cake making skills and with Annika's ability to sit on a strange, slightly scary man's lap and not cry! Too fun!

Heather said...

Hey Alisha! I found your blog through Amy's :) Congratulations to Brian! How exciting. And I'm pretty sure you have the cutest child in the entire world. I'm also pretty sure that she gets cuter every time I see her :)

Neisha said...

Congrats Brian and I have a present for your little girl. I am so excited you guys are starting your move this weekend. Let me know if you need Annika to come and play at my house on Saturday.

mel said...

Such cute cakes. The picture of her and Santa is so cute! Great memories.


Wow. Time flys. Annika looks so big now. I'm glad she did just fine with Santa. I think Corban would have a few months ago, but ever since nursery he's become this shy guy. Be sure to tell Brian congrats from us. Oh, and we are coming back for grad school so we may be seeing ya'll soon!

Adam and Aubrey said...

Time goes by wayyyy too fast. I cannot believe she's a year old! Wowza! I am impressed that she wasn't frightened by a big hairy man. . . she might do well around Bill. Congrats on the graduate. I'm so excited for your next journey!