It was fun, I really enjoyed sitting and talking to Brian, and it was nice not to worry about entertaining a kid. (We really missed her!) but it was fun. The rest of the group came back and Echo, Me, Britney and Heidi all got on the water weenie. It was so much fun. I have never rode on one before, and I don't think that I have laughed so hard in a long time. It was so much fun.
That night after we were done at the lake, we headed down to Mesquite for an all you can eat seafood buffet! Mmmmmm... It was so good. You should have seen the pile of crab legs that we had.
On Saturday we went 4-wheeling. Again so much fun. It was great, it wasn't to hot, it started raining on us a couple of times. It felt so good. We headed home, and relaxed and played some games. On Sunday morning we woke up, cleaned the house and headed home. It was such a great vacation. We were glad to get home.
And not to leave Annika out I thought I would add some cute pictures.
We have some strawberry plants and she loves to pick them and eat them. She goes over to the bushes and searches in them for more berries.
She likes playing in the water so I let her help me water the garden. (things are actually growing it is great!) She is such a good little helper and she is growing up so fast!
Looks like you had a lot of fun! It's hard leaving the little one but it feels so good at the same time!!!
That looks like so much fun. You're lucky you can get away for that long. I just look forward to maybe an hour by ourselves. Not to much longer and then we can leave them a little longer, in fact I'm already planning our anniversary for next April, because I won't be nursing any more and then we can leave them with the grandparents. Yahoo! We'll see, I go through withdraws when I leave them for an hour.
I love your garden as well. It's looking good!
So much Fun!!! Glad that you guys had time to get away and's great to come back to the little ones though!
I'm glad you got a little time for yourselves. Usually, I'm the one babysitting my nieces while the parents are gone. I love every minute of it.
OKAY so I am a lame friend! I can't believe how long it's been since I've looked at your blog. How fun to be able to take a weekend and just spend time together. I keep saying we're going to do that.... just probably won't be for a while.
P.S. You look awesome! These are some fun pictures!
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