Friday, March 9, 2012


Annika has been really into playing mario cart on the wii lately. She has really gotten very good at it. Most nights after dinner we go down and play some mario cart all together. After she started playing we found out the she thought that Luigi's name was wedgie. Well we didn't really correct her. :) Today I was talking to her and she told me that "dad likes a wedgie". I laughed and said what? I am still laughing..... dad likes a wedgie! so I videoed it and I still think it is funny.

here it is if you all would like to watch it!

On another note. Ady is talking so much and figuring out how to say things. Lately she will come up to me and say uh huh pop. meaning yes she wants some pop. or uh huh tub tub. I want to get in the tub. It is pretty cute. As I am typing this she is saying uh huh shoe. (she wants her shoes on.) I love her little cute voice and all of the new words she can say and how well she can communicate with us.

On another note.... Today is Brian and my 6 year anniversary! we were talking last night, and it is crazy! It seems like we have always been married, but then 6 years doesn't really seem that long. Then we started talking about all of the things that have happened in just 6 years. 2 beautiful girls. Graduating school, getting a job, buying a house, etc. etc. I am so lucky to get to be married to my best friend. I couldn't imagine my life without him in it! I love him so much! Happy Anniversary Brian! I love you!

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