Saturday, February 16, 2013


It is winter, and it is sooo cold outside.  I am ready for some nice sun!  We went to Costco the other day and they had out their swimming suits.  I had to get one for each of the girls.  We came home and Ady wore her's around the house the entire day.

Ady got a whole bunch of new undies, and she loves them!  Every time she goes to the bathroom she wants to change them and wear a new pair.  One day she will have to learn that you don't get a new pair every time.  But she just wants to wear them all!

In the middle of January we went on a little trip with my family.  For Christmas my parents gave all of us kids ski passes to Beaver Mountain.  So we picked a weekend, and got a condo in Bear Lake and went and stayed and spent a day on the slopes.  It was a good little get away.  While we were skiing Annika decided that she wanted to try skiing.  Honestly at first she was so excited then we got her on the hill and she didn't like it.  I think she was just scared of flying down the hill, but she kept falling down and saying her legs hurt.  I really didn't want her to quit.  I wanted it to be a good experience for her, but didn't know how far to push her.  Well grandma came over just at the right time, and put Annika between her skis and went down the hill with her a couple of times.  After grandma went down with her she had some more confidence.  After that, she was going down the hill like a pro.  Well she was a pro with her grandpa standing at the bottom of the hill ready to help her!  It turned out to be a really good experience and she keeps asking when she can go again.

We decided to change up the house a little bit.  So we have been busy changing for the last week.  We moved the girls into what used to be the office. We started cleaning everything out, and then Ady and I went to the store and started picking out paint colors.  I had bought the girls matching bedding, so we were trying to match that.  We came home and hung them all up on the wall.  We decided on blue.  And I love it!  We added a little something to the bottom of the room, we got the girls some new bunk beds and walla we have a new room for the girls. 
 Here are some before and after photos:
 The Girls love it! 

The pink room (That the girls used to be in, isn't going to be pink for much longer)  is now the office, and it also has the crib in it.

We are going to be leaving the crib up for a while.  It won't be used until August, but there's no use in taking it down.  We are excited to welcome a new baby into our home.  The girls are so excited and keep telling everyone that I have a baby in my belly! They are going to be great Big Sisters! 


Lindsay Artsy-Fartsy Mama said...

Love the makeover, it looks fabulous!! And congratulations!!! So excited for you guys!!! :)

Robin said...

I was wondering if you were expecting from your pins on pintrest. Congrats! That's so fun! I love the makeover! It looks great! So we live close to each other again and haven't said a word to each other. Maybe we should get together sometime...?

Julie and Nate said...

How exciting!! Congrats! And I'm super impressed with you'd productivity while being pregnant. :)

Jake and Bre said...

Hey congrats on the new babe! I can't believe so much time has past since apartment 1 and 2 days! Annika is so grown up! Your girls are beautiful! Hope everything is going good for you guys!

RCA said...