So lately Annika loves to climb up on the vanity in the bathroom and "wash her hands". She just loves playing in the water so much. She has figured out that in one drawer in her bathroom there is some antibacterial hand gel. She thinks that this is lotion. When ever she leaves and goes up stairs and is quiet, I know she is up in the bathroom putting this "lotion" on her nose. What a funny girl.
Well yesterday she wanted to "wash her hands" and she had just gotten out of the tub so she really didn't need to play in the sink. So I told her she had just washed her hands and I led her out of the bathroom. When we got out of the bathroom she got mad at me and said "mom's rude!". What? Where did she even learn that word! Someone must be telling her I'm rude when I'm not around. I really don't know. But anyways my 23 month old thinks I'm rude.
Annika doesn't really like to sit and watch a lot of TV. She loves tigger and pooh, and lately she has really liked Elmo. I have been getting on you tube and we watch little 3 minute videos and she loves it. Well I have recorded a couple of episodes of Sesame Street on the DVR and I turned one on yesterday afternoon, while I was cleaning up toys. She sat by me and watched it for a minute and then she stood up grabbed the remote and said "me no like this one" and changed the channel. I thought it was hilarious. My little girl has quite the personality.