Monday, November 30, 2009

A B C D…

Annika really loves singing. She’ll make up a song about literally anything, they include the Grandpa song, the Bur Freezing Outside song, the Family Names song, the Body Parts song and the Any Word That Pops Into My Head song. It’s amazing that they all go to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

She has been watching Elmo on youtube lately and has picked up the ABC’s. Here is Annika’s version of Elmo and India, which she has watched a millon times, singing the ABC’s.

Annika Sings the ABC's

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


So lately Annika loves to climb up on the vanity in the bathroom and "wash her hands". She just loves playing in the water so much. She has figured out that in one drawer in her bathroom there is some antibacterial hand gel. She thinks that this is lotion. When ever she leaves and goes up stairs and is quiet, I know she is up in the bathroom putting this "lotion" on her nose. What a funny girl.

Well yesterday she wanted to "wash her hands" and she had just gotten out of the tub so she really didn't need to play in the sink. So I told her she had just washed her hands and I led her out of the bathroom. When we got out of the bathroom she got mad at me and said "mom's rude!". What? Where did she even learn that word! Someone must be telling her I'm rude when I'm not around. I really don't know. But anyways my 23 month old thinks I'm rude.

Annika doesn't really like to sit and watch a lot of TV. She loves tigger and pooh, and lately she has really liked Elmo. I have been getting on you tube and we watch little 3 minute videos and she loves it. Well I have recorded a couple of episodes of Sesame Street on the DVR and I turned one on yesterday afternoon, while I was cleaning up toys. She sat by me and watched it for a minute and then she stood up grabbed the remote and said "me no like this one" and changed the channel. I thought it was hilarious. My little girl has quite the personality.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Little Addition

Last Wednesday we got to go in and have our first ultrasound. It is always amazing to see the little baby moving around. I wish that they would just give you the video of ultrasounds because it looks a lot more like a baby than the fuzzy black and white picture that you get to bring home! It was so much fun! Here is one of the fuzzy pictures that we got.

I have been feeling a lot better than I did in the beginning, but there are still good days and bad. It is a whole new experience because I wasn't sick for one day with Annika. As of right now my due date is May 17th. The dr. hasn't changed it but at the ultrasound on Wednesday I measured a little bit further along than that. So we'll see. But we are excited to add this little baby to our family. I think Annika is going to be a great Big Sister.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween!

We had a wonderful Halloween! Annika got way to much candy.

I think Brian and I will have to help her eat it! We had a lot of fun. I thought that Annika made a really cute piglet!

She had a lot of fun and by the end she had figured out to say trick or treat. But it sounded more like tricktreat. Our ward had a trunk or treat and we went to that on friday night. On Saturday we took Annika to see her Grandma and Grandpa LeBaron, then we came home. She went to 3 of our neighbors houses, and that was about it. Annika loved passing out the candy to the trick or treaters. Every time the door bell would ring she would run to the door saying I wanna see em too! She would grab the candy bowl and I opened the door. She loved seeing all of them and giving them candy. It was a lot of fun to watch her. We had a great Halloween!