Tuesday, September 16, 2008

9 Months

Annika is 9 months old. Where does time go? I can't believe that she is already 9 months old. That means that we have had her as long as I was pregnant. It is just crazy. But she is such a fun little girl. We went to the Dr. yesterday for her 9 month check up, and I just thought I would give a little update on her. She weighs 20 lbs. which is the 72% and she is 28" tall which is the 67%. The Dr. said she is just a healthy little girl. (That is definitely eating well!) She just got her first tooth on her bottom right. She is into everything and she is getting ready to walk. She is such a brave girl and reaches for different pieces of furniture to walk back and forth between them. She pulls herself up to anything that she can, and climbs over everything. She also loves reading her books. She is such a blessing to us.


Jen Jarrett said...

Awe! She is a blessing to everyone!!! :)


I love that picture of her! She is so cute! I can't believe it has been nine months already. What a big girl! It goes so fast dosen't it?

Britney Walker said...

Bites what?? (wink, wink)

Brittney said...

and so adorable! love that picture! yea for 9 months I love that!

So who is your new Bishop? did the counselors change?

Shels said...

I love the pict-a very adorable little girl!

Adam and Aubrey said...

cutest. picture. ever.

she's just so blasted cute.

The Bucks said...

That is the cutest picture. She must be a very happy baby.

Adam & Ady said...

That is the most adorable picture! She is so cute!