Holy Cow! Where has the time gone? Seriously I can't believe that Ady is already 18 months old!
Here is some info on our little girl. She is a fiesty little girl. She can kick and scream and throw a fit like a pro. She really likes to pull Annika's hair if Annika takes something away from her or just makes her mad. She loves to follow Annika around and do whatever she is doing. She loves to take whatever Annika is playing with and run away as fast as she can. She loves babies and her baby dolls. She loves to push them in the stroller. She loves reading books, especially the three little pigs book that Brian reads to her. She loves it when he huffs and puffs on her. She also loves to read any book that has animals in it. She loves to see animals. She doesn't like it when the neighbors dogs try to lick her. But she always follows them around and wants to pet them. She is learning so many new words right now. She surprises me everyday when she says a new word. When she likes what you say or wants to do what you are asking her, she raises her hands in the air and says "YAY"! She loves shoes. She is always trying on any shoes that are left out. She loves blankets. It doesn't really matter what blanket, but it has to be soft. The other day our bed had almost a dozen blankets on it that she was snuggling with. She also loves her binky (kiki). It is going to be a bad day when I decide to finally take that away. She takes really long naps, which is nice. She might now be asleep the whole time, but when she wakes up she just plays in her crib. She will grab a book off her dresser and sit in her crib and read it. She really likes to dance when any music is on, and she really likes to listen to the tangled CD. She always makes her finger into a hook, on I have a Dream song. She loves to say "no no no" and point her finger at you. When she is hungry she walks into the pantry and starts climbing on boxes or whatever she can find to reach what she wants. She likes to color and for the first time colored on my wall with a blue crayon yesterday. And she is addicted to the Ipad and our Iphones. She wants to play with them all the time. and she knows how to use them. she can find the games she wants to play on them and if you ask her if she wants to watch a movie she will open the netflix app. (I don't know if this is a good thing or not!) She is such a smart little girl.
I took her to the Dr. for her 18 month check up and she had to get some shots. She cried and kept pointing at her leg where they gave her the shots and said "owie". It was really sad.
She weighed 23.1 lbs. (32%)
She is 32 inches long (61%)
Her head is 46 cm (63%)
Like I said she is pretty much saying a new word everyday. Here are some of the words that she says.
ki ki (binki and blanket)
Kate Kate (she has a friend named kate)
(and I am sure there are more that I am forgetting.)
She is a fun little girl. I love her so much!