Friday, July 18, 2008


(Annika loves her popsicles, that is what she has all over!)

Well it is official, Annika can crawl. She has been crawling around for the last couple of days, and today she has just started taking off! It is a lot of fun to watch her move around and see the things that she stops to look at. She has also started pulling herself up to anything that she can. She regularly pulls herself up to the couches, and the other day she pulled herself up to the T.V. She just thinks that she can stand. The downfall.. is that she isn't quite ready to stand up so she falls down, and my poor baby has marks all over her head. I guess that is just a regular part of them, learning how to move. ( If you can see the mark right between her eyes, in the picture that is still a misquito bite!)The next milestone... Last night we moved her mattress down in her crib. She has gotten so she pulls herself up and is standing there when she wakes up and wants me to come and get her. I got worried about this because all she would have to do is lean over and she would fall out of her crib. So now she is sleeping a little lower. It is just hard to believe how fast she is growing. She just turned 7 months old and it is crazy that time can fly that fast. But at the same time it is crazy that she has only been in our lives for 7 months because it seems like she has always been here!
The next milestone... isn't really about Annika, but I officially quit my job last week so I am now officially a stay at home mom! I am so excited about it. I really liked my job, but I am excited for the chance to be home and see Annika learn new things.



Horray! I want to see her, when I come up on Monday! So cute! Hopefully Corban showed you almost everything that you will need to babyproof, so Annika won't get it. I cannot thank you enough for watching him the last few days. It was a HUGE help! We are gonna miss you guys a lot.

Way to go Annika!!!!


P.S. I absolutly love the pigtails!!!

Kristin @ Navy Bean Lane said...

How exciting to be able to stay home with annika! I'm not gonna lie though, you may be wishing in a few months that you could go back to work :) They can wear ya right out!

Jen Jarrett said...

It is crazy how fast she is growing and learning to do things. My favorite thing about her right now is how she just laughs and laughs. It seems different than when she was a baby. I don't know if she does it more or if it just sounds different. Maybe a little of both but she is SO HAPPY!!!! You guys are blessed I think to have a baby as happy as her!

Shels said...

Alisha! I found your blog and I just cant get over how cute and big Annika is getting! We dont go to our ward for a month or two and everyone grows up! :) check us out at

OccupyThis said...

Hey Alisha! This is Devin from good old SV. I found your blog through Kara's and thought I'd say hello and compliment you on your good looking family and your adorable baby girl. We have one on the way in about 6 weeks and I can't wait! Anyway, hope things are going well for you and yours.